Blocks OverviewΒΆ

A fresh install of blocks has eight directories /app, /bin, /database, /public, setup and possibly /docs, /node_modules and /vendor

/app directory:

/Config         Stores the configuration files
/Controllers    Controllers determine the program flow
/Core           Contains Blocks main classes
/Helpers        Helpers store collections of standalone functions
/Models         Models work with the database to represent the business entities.
/Views          Views make up the HTML that is displayed to the client.

/bin directory:

/scripts         Contains scripts to be used by the frameword

/database directory

Contains all migrations created

/public directory

Contains all files that should be accessible in the browser. This is where your CSS,JS and images should be placed

/setup directory Contains database and migrations configuration files

/docs directory Contains the documentation

/vendor directory Contains all PHP dependencies

/node_modules directory Contains all node dependencies used by the CLI